The rebound and compression damping force can be individually adjusted by turning the respective adjusters. The rebound damping force adjuster 1 is located at the bottom of the rear suspension.
The compression damping force adjuster 2 is located at the left side of the motorcycle.
To adjust the damping force, set the adjuster to the standard setting first and then adjust the adjuster to the desired position.
To set the rebound and compression damping force, turn the adjuster clockwise until it stops and then turn it counterclockwise.
As you turn the adjuster, you will notice clicks. Count the number of clicks from fully turned-in position.
The standard rebound damping force setting is 12 clicks. The standard compression damping force setting is 14 clicks.
Turn the adjuster clockwise from the standard position to stiffen the damping force. Turn the adjuster counterclockwise to soften the damping force. The damping force should be adjusted gradually, 1/4 turn at a time, to fine-tune the suspension.
Evaporative emission control system
diagram (only for e-33)
Fuel tank
Fuel-vapor separator
Fuel pump
Fuel feed hose
Fuel shut-off valve
Iap sensor
Surge hose
Evap canister
Purge hose
Evap system purge control solenoid valve
Hc vapor
Fresh air
Radiator inspection and cleaning
Radiator hose inspection
Refer to “cooling system inspection” in section 0b .
Radiator inspection
Inspect the radiator for water leaks. If any defects are
found, replace the radiator with a new one.
If the fins are bent or dented, repair them by carefully
straightening them with the blade of ...
Special tools and equipment
Recommended service material
required service material is also described in the following.
“Transmission components” “gearshift lever construction”
“gearshift shaft / gearshift cam plate components” “gearshift
shaft construction”
Special to ...