Toyota RAV4 manuals

Suzuki GSX-R 1000 Service Manual: Headlight bulb and position light bulb replacement

Suzuki GSX-R 1000 Service Manual / Body and accessories / Lighting systems / Repair instructions / Headlight bulb and position light bulb replacement


when you touch the bulb with your bare hands, clean the bulb with a cloth moistened with alcohol or soap water to prevent premature bulb failure.

Low beam bulb

  1. Remove the combination meter. Refer to “combination meter removal and installation” in section 9c .
  2.  Disconnect the headlight (low beam) coupler (1).
  3.  Remove the headlight bulb/socket (low beam) (2) by turning it counterclockwise.

Suzuki GSX-R. Low beam bulb

  1. Replace the headlight bulb (low beam) with a new one.
  2.  Reinstall the removed parts.

High beam bulb

  1. Remove the body cowling cover. Refer to “exterior parts removal and installation” in section 9d .
  2.  Disconnect the headlight (high beam) coupler (1).
  3.  Remove the headlight bulb/socket (high beam) (2) by turning it counterclockwise.

Suzuki GSX-R. High beam bulb

  1. Replace the headlight bulb (high beam) with a new one.
  2.  Reinstall the removed parts.

Position light bulb

  1. Disconnect the position light socket (1).

Suzuki GSX-R. Position light bulb

  1. Replace the position light bulb (2) with a new one.

Suzuki GSX-R. Position light bulb

  1. Reinstall the position light socket.
Headlight removal and installation
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